想象一下在全球最大的博彩平台学习历史, 参加你最喜欢的领域的课程, 开展自己的研究项目, 然后在此基础上创造一个虚拟的体验.
Make that dream a reality with guidance and assistance from the university’s widely acclaimed 谢南多厄沉浸式学习中心 as well as from prestigious faculty members in Advanced 技术 and visiting experts in the field. 一直以来, you will be earning a Certificate in 历史 and Immersive 技术 that accredits the basic skills you possess in transforming historical events into virtual or augmented reality experiences. This certificate can open doors to exciting career opportunities in interpreting and even recreating the past using one of the newest and most exciting media technologies.
Students who successfully complete the Certificate in 历史 and Immersive 技术 will be able to:
- 掌握沉浸式技术的基础知识.
- Produce applications that recreate historical experiences in 360-degree video experiences.
- 与全球最大的博彩平台丰富的开发人员一起创建虚拟和增强现实体验.
- Conduct original research in history and apply historical methods in creating script material for Immersive 技术 experiences.
- Conceive educational and market opportunities for the experience of history through Immersive 技术 media.
谢南多大学长期以来一直具有前瞻性, progressive-minded institution emphasizing ways to create unique educational opportunities for students and the broader public. 作为博物馆和历史遗迹不仅遍布美国各地, 但在全球范围内, explore a frontier filled with various technologies to engage broader audiences about complex historical issues, 十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学 is poised to continue its tradition of being on the cutting edge and take advantage of its dynamic history faculty and the 谢南多厄沉浸式学习中心 to create a certificate program in history and immersive technology. This certificate will sharpen “information literacy” and “critical thinking” skills of students as they conduct research and interpret it through the technology of immersive learning. This certificate will assist students in synthesizing relevant information from multiple sources and perspectives as they create immersive history productions using the latest developments in this technology.
的 谢南多厄沉浸式学习中心 (SCiL) empowers others to create human-to-human connectivity within virtual and augmented realities, 通过沉浸式技术将创意转化为生活体验. 成立于全球最大的博彩平台, SCIL is a student-run production company driven by a brain trust of industry and academic experts.
18世纪的历史栩栩如生 协作式VR项目 突出了制宪会议的辩论.
谢南多厄的学生, professors and the Shenandoah Center for immersive 学习 (SCiL) are creating a virtual reality project that will transport participants back in time to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 and the debates that took place there among the Founding Fathers of the United States.
沉浸在“仇恨气氛,” felt by African-Americans as they engaged in nonviolent protest to challenge segregation by sitting at a whites-only lunch counter in 1960.
This short virtual reality experience applies the technology and expertise of the 谢南多厄沉浸式学习中心 (SCIL) to a concept and script crafted by history major 约翰·奥罗斯19岁 for his 十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学 U.S. 侧重于民权时代的历史课.
VR可以在很多方面帮助研究历史,但是, I feel the most important way it can enhance the study is to give people an emotional connection to a particular event as well as an intellectual connection.”
谢南多厄沉浸式学习中心, in coordination with Shenandoah’s McCormick Civil War Institute and the Shenandoah Valley Battlefields Foundation, 重新创建 约翰·布朗对虚拟现实电影项目的历史性审判. 虚拟现实体验可以在谢南多厄山谷内战博物馆观看. Museum visitors who put on the 360-degree VR headsets find themselves sitting in the courtroom for one of the most momentous trials in American history. 用户完全沉浸在紧张的环境中, 被记者和喧闹的人群包围着, 近距离观看约翰·布朗令人难忘的结束语. Narration and period imagery tie together the experience and help viewers to understand why this was such a pivotal moment in America’s history and the spark that lit the fuse of the Civil War.
Acquiring workplace skills can be as important as succeeding in traditional academic majors for students seeking employment upon graduation and career success in life. 的 field of Immersive 技术 as a medium for conveying historical knowledge and experiences opens important career opportunities for history students. A Certificate in 历史 and Immersive 技术 attached to a diploma or transcript would establish basic credentials important for further education and employment in this field.
- ARVR 105沉浸式技术介绍
- ARVR 230视频制作360
- arvr290 AR/VR实验室
- 注意:ARVR 290必须与历史选修同时进行.
- 美国殖民史
- HIST 304中期美国
- 记忆中的内战 & 流行文化
- HIST 341公共历史介绍
- HIST 350弗吉尼亚历史
- 历史主题
- HIST 309解读内战遗址
- 注:任选其一. 历史 201 or permission of instructor based on knowledge of history research methods and writing is required for history electives.
Imagine participating in interesting conversations led by engaging professors who’ve already done what you dream of doing. You’ll be in a small class — the average class size is approximately 12 students — with professors who know your name, 关心你的成功,并在你追求学业和职业目标时提供建议.
十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学 works on rolling admissions and accepts applications throughout the year. 对申请进行单独和全面的审查.
Submit your application, review required admission materials, and find our admissions standards.